The first two steps are open to everyone, but Step III is only for the winning director(s)
Step I As with previous versions, anyone can submit a pitch. The goal is to
pitch an idea that a fellow visitors would be interested in directing. Subject matter, themes, tone and location are at your discretion.
The limiting factor is the low-budget nature of the project.
Step II Potential directors will submit their budgets and preproduction plans
including the pitch they would like to use. Anyone can submit preproduction plans, but only directors at least 18 years-old who are living in the US or Canada will qualify to direct the project.
Directors should have experience working with video or film and the ability to edit and finish the project.
Step III LMI staff will select a director or directing team based on submitted
preproduction plans and previously-produced portfolio material. The selected director will receive $100 unconditionally and the remaining $400 to be spent according to the pre-approved budget.
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This link will open in a new window and you will need to enter your name, email address and state that you are over 13 years of age. You've entered 0 of the 406 submitted Script Pitches.
Working Title:
The format of your pitch is up to you, but keep in mind that you're trying to sell your idea to potential directors with very limited budgets.
You must register before you can submit a pitch.
If you have already registered, try reloading this page (if you have already typed in you pitch, remember to save your pitch first).