1995 Box Office


Rank Film Domestic Gross Overseas Gross
1) Toy Story $191.8 $167.0
2) Batman Forevor $184.0 $151.0
3) Apollo 13 $172.1 $162.0
4) Pocahontas $141.6 $205.6
5) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls $108.3 $104.0
6) Goldeneye $106.4 $244.9
7) Casper $100.3 $182.0
8) Jumanji $100.2 $164.5
9) Seven $100.1 $230.0
10) Die Hard: With a Vengeance $100.0 $265.0
11) Crimson Tide $91.4 $66.0
12) Waterworld $88.2 $167.0
13) Dangerous Minds $84.9 $94.6
14) Mr. Holland's Opus $82.6 $23.7
15) While You Were Sleeping $81.1 $101.0
16) Congo $81.0 $71.0
17) Father of the Bride 2 $76.6 N / A
18) Braveheart $75.6 $128.4
19) Get Shorty $72.1 $43.0
20) Bridges of Madison County $71.5 $110.5
21) Mortal Kombat $70.4 $52.0
22) Grumpier Old Men $69.9 $6.1
23) Nine Months $69.7 $55.0
24) Outbreak $67.8 $120.0